Should you hire my company to run your job search?
If you’ve been following us for a while and wondering what we look for in candidates, read this.
Here’s the 3 criteria we look for in our candidates:
1. Kind & Coachable:
- Is this person open to feedback?
- Is this person capable of giving feedback?
- Is this person open to trying a new strategy if that'll get them a higher paid, more fulfilling job, more quickly?
2. Wants support:
- Does this person want support?
A good self-assessment is whether you're currently satisfied with the number of high quality interviews you're booking and/or the speed of your current job search.
3. Professional job seeker:
- Does this person have a skill set and desire to do white collar work (especially in higher paid industries like tech, finance, etc.)?
Wondering if you’re a candidate for us?
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